About Us
The hotel with the big heart has a lot of history.

The Abbey has graced Pembridge Gardens since its early construction in 1856, and whilst the names and faces inside may have changed throughout it’s time, the very reason for its existence hasn’t. Welcoming guests! The hotel had become tired over the years and in 2020 (for the first time in history) the doors closed, whilst closed it gathered dust, making it desperately in need of some love and attention. Snap forward to September 2022, Monday Hospitality Group took over the lease of the premises and rebranded to The Abbey making it a stylish and contemporary London Boutique Hotel. Carefully ensuring to retain and reuse many of its original features including the earliest stone marble in its bathrooms and other architectural ornaments, preserving the hotel’s identity but bringing it back to its former glory

The Vision
With the first stage completed the journey will continue, creating food and drink offerings enhanced service exterior dining and the opportunity for the community to be fully part of The Abbey.
We will continue to grow our team ensuring we have the best members providing the best service for you the best guest.
Connect and rest.